Eco Friendly Plushies

Published on 2 September 2024 at 00:00

Imagine our surprise when we discovered Eco-friendly super soft plushies that would compliment our little pocketbooks so well. They are made out of recycled plastic bottles, if you can believe it. I was unsure myself as they are so soft. Anyway, first we found 'Calvin' the swan from Keel Eco and on their website they even gave us a breakdown of the process of how the toys are created A~MAZ~ING! I also managed to find a video I posted at the bottom of the page.

Further research gave us 'Bartholomew Drake' from Zappi Co and the Gift Scholars all so very cute I could probably open my own zoo with the animals I now possess.


From plastic to fantastic super soft plush toys

Eco Plush Toy Availability

Sadly, we currently only have these available for sale at our market events. However, we are looking to purchase a bulk order and have them available in our online store in the future, so watch this space.

In the meantime check out some of our favourites in the slide show to your left. (You can click the double arrows near the top right corner of the image to enlarge.)

Please note you can visit Zappi Co over on Amazon where they have a phenomenal selection of animals of all shapes and sizes and are adding more all the time.

Have fun choosing your favourite. Thank you for visiting.

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