4 Paws & a lick = 5 *****
Christmas came early in the form of an A~MAZ~ING poetry collection
The Shape of Rainbows by Neal Zetter
It doesn't officially launch until the beginning of the New Year 2024, but you can smile and ask nicely and maybe get a signed early copy from Neal. Click below and send a message via Neal's Facebook page.
Click here - - >> Neal Zetter
He's our favourite #poet and this new collection is as funny as ever. #MissRubyHeart loves the poem 'Be' about being your best self and letting your confidence IGNITE!
There is something for everyone again in this latest collection.
Thank you Neal for filling our days full of smiles and chuckles and thank you for giving us permission to read and share you poetry on social media.
Grab your copy soon such PHENOMENAL poetry. Kids and adults alike will find something in this book that will help bring out that smile. Happy Reading #BookLovers 🌈📚📒📖🐾
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