Hello Book Lovers so I have great news. From tomorrow 'A Christmas Carol with Grandfather Time' will be setting off on a Mini Blog Tour courtesy of www.rachelsrandomresources.com to whom I must say is doing an A~MAZ~ING job. THANK YOU.
I would also like to thank in advance all the bloggers and book reviewers who are taking part.
Below are the first blogs we will be visiting. Why not drop by and say hi! Click on the names below to be taken to the wonderful readers websites
Rachel is also running a Special Giveaway (I just supplied the prizes)
#SharingIsCaring Giveaway
#Giveaway To Win a #SharingIsCaring package to prize to share between the whole family (**Sorry Open to UK only**)
Prize includes –
- Hardback picture book ‘A Christmas Carol with Grandfather Time’ (4 – 8 years average)
- Paperback ‘Young Ebenezer ~ A New Christmas Carol’ (8+ years)
- Paperback ‘Young Ebenezer ~ Confronts the School Bully (8+ years)
- Paperback ‘The Magic of Grandfather Time’ (older readers to adults)
This is where the stories all began a short story of love and loss
- Paperback/Pocket Treasure ‘Ruby’s Christmas Gifts’ (Families to share) short stories, poems, puzzles jokes.
- Grandfather Time bookmarks, pen, fridge magnet, sticker
- Miss Ruby Heart glitter sticker, badge, heart/pawprint bracelet
- Sharing is Caring necklace
- Christmas keyring
Thank you for stopping by. We hope you will pop over and visit the other websites and please #SpreadTheWord,
Happy Reading #BookLovers

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